The standard of TV journalism in India continues to appall me. Rajdeep is too loud, Barkha too opinionated, but even the second rung sucks. Nidhi Razdan reporting from Vienna on the nuke deal says, on air: ‘Countries (represented there) are frantically communicating with their leaders back home. They are communicating via email and phone… and even fax.”
What kind of journo thinks modes of communication are information. Thank-god homing pigeons are outdated and telepathy is not yet proven. TV journalism and viewers in India are like adoloscents on their first date. Bumbling and overzealous. I hope both grow fast.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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on that note....
Actually, Nidhi Razdan's reporting from Vienna was outstanding. I can vouch that it was a very difficult story to cover but she had the most comprehensive and informative coverage of any channel and better even that some of our newspapers. It is all very well to pick some sentence out of context and make it sound silly - actually the sentence you quote is not as damning as you think - delegations were busy consulting with their capital, sending text back and forth and we heard some hilarious stories of lines getting eaten up by fax...
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