Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hangover's over

Eyelids droop, head weighs a ton,
Pockets empty, hangover’s begun;
Senses weary, sensation numb,
Life seems dreary, hangover’s begun;

Throat is parched, reach for the water,
Spirit’s dry, the day seems a scorcher;
Turn on the shower, too weak to lather,
Stumbling bum, hangover’s begun;

Dressed in regret, coffee’s the order,
Strong, black and sweet, a toast to disorder;
Nicotine next, drag to delight,
All parts of the sum, hangover’s begun

No taxi in sight, for the legs no respite,
Temptation sneaks in, what’s another sin?
Boss on the phone, get on over,
Conscience stirs to life, hangover’s over

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