Saturday, June 19, 2010

99 words to describe England's football team when only one will really do - turgid

Dumb, despairing, desperate, pathetic, puke-worthy, plain, cringe-worthy, heartless, broken, piss-poor, class-less, drab, dreary, depressing, disjointed, dull, callous, cold, hopeless, miserable, gloomy, measly, faithless, stuttering, wooden, dour, acerbic, bitter, blind, dastardly, bastardly, dicey, sleazy, pitiful, pointless, degrading, debasing, distasteful, disgusting, contorted, futile, grim, cowardly, listless, stifling, suffocating, spineless, spastic, spasmodic, futile, childish, miserable, sad, despondent, crap, shit, soul-less, dirt, garbage, dastardly, deviant, diabolical, nasty, noxious, nauseating, nerdy, nervy, knobby, knotty, tacky, filthy, degraded, exasperating, infuriating, maddening, vexing, annoying, galling, irksome, irritating, tiresome, tedious, wearisome, bothersome, worrisome, difficult, incommodious, obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible, mulish, obdurate, insolent, squalid, seedy, sordid, dodgy, shady, slimy.

1 comment:

ro said...

LOL! Incommodius is the best! I have no idea what it means, but it sounds very funny!