Monday, May 31, 2010

I just don't get it!

Sometimes, I just don’t get it. The stuff I don’t get is often considered classic, cult or genius.
It’s pretty scary to stand up and say, ‘You know what, I thought Easy Rider was a gigantic fucking waste of time. I just don’t get it.’
Dennis Hopper’s passing away brought Easy Rider back into the mainstream of my consciousness. I had hidden it away, in the ‘Don’t-get-it-but-embarrassed –to-say-so’ box.
I also don’t get Henry Miller’s ‘Tropics’. I mean, are you kidding me??!! Really?!! Was there some genius involved there?!! Maybe it’s me. But hey, I just don’t get it.

1 comment:

ro said...

Go easy on yourself. Dig this - I don't get the Beatles, I don't get the Doors, I don't get Ayn Rand, I don't get the Mona Lisa....I don't get a whole lotta stuff! :-)