Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I predict...

I have rarely been spot on with my World Cup predictions, because I have always supported England.
Nevertheless, this time, I predict four of these five - Brazil, Argentina, Holland, Spain and England will make the semis. I have two dark horses: Australia and Serbia.
Which means powerhouses like Germany, Italy and France are out of my reckoning, as are promising Portugal and upstarts like South Korea or the USA.
My head says Argentina or Spain will win it. My heart goes with England. My underdog to win is Holland. Come back in three months and applaud my judgement.

1 comment:

noshadesofgrey said...

bingo...that was some accuracy...i absolutely love readign your blogs...though i may not comment everytime but i regularly check your new posts...i am simply amazed at how you can crystallise your thoughts in 99 words only...i can't...my blogs are long...i need to keep them short and sweet...